Jan 18Liked by Katie Wickliff

I can’t wait until we are in middle grade stages! I love picture books but I feel fairly versed in them and middle grade is uncharted territory for me since I left it behind in the late 80’s early 90’s and I bet a lot has made its way onto the shelves in the interim.

When I don’t have time to be creative, I try to keep up the creativity in my mind if nowhere else - take short notes on things I wish I was writing, plan quilt patterns in my head. It keeps me connected without stressing me about having an end project. And sometimes, for me, it’s about having an audience for my project, even if the appreciation is mostly imagined on my end!

Good luck with finding your way back to the rhythm! Don’t be hard on yourself for the periods of slower flow, those have their purposes too I’m sure.

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I really like your approach of keeping up the creativity in your mind or in your notes! Sometimes I feel as if I am VERY black and white and I need to incorporate more shades of grey. (Like, not everything has to be complete and perfect at all times, lol)

I was in the chapter book/MG stage throughout the 90s as well, and while I read everything I could get my hands on at our library, the quality/quantity/diversity of children's literature today is astounding! We're hearing so many more voices, perspectives, and experiences, and it's really exciting to think of today's kids reading so broadly. Ok I'm done now; this is just my favorite topic, ha!

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It’s so exciting, isn’t it? So much more exposure to a broader world being offered by voices who should have been telling the stories all along. It’s in the picture book world big time too and it makes me so hopeful for the future.

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Jan 18Liked by Katie Wickliff

I feel you on the hobbies dropping off. This year I’ve been trying to pay myself first but filling my own cup before other obligations. It seems counterintuitive but it’s so refreshing. I’ve been meaning to read MARCUS VEGA!

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I'm glad you feel where I'm coming from; it sounds like something most of us struggle with..

Marcus Vega is so good!I know you like to listen to books, and the author narrates it (I guess he's also an actor?) so it is extra engaging!

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Oh ok I’m sold! Will do audio, thank you.

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Such great recommendations. None of these books were on my radar and I’m excited to check them out!

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