Jun 24, 2023Liked by Katie Wickliff

I hear you on the lack of routine in the summer. These last few weeks have been.... chaos.

We adore Mindy Kim and I'm so excited to try this podcast on the way home from the mountains tomorrow (although perhaps it will be a bit too grown up for Claire?).

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I THINK it might be hard for her to follow, especially since it's a performance and you have to be able to recognize the characters voices-- but try it. B will love.

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You might like Dream Breachers podcast - it's also a group of middle schoolers trying to solve supernatural mysteries/problems, but in my opinion it's a better listen than Mars Patel. It's radio play style, but there aren't as many distracting background noises as in Mars Patel, there aren't as many characters to keep track of, and the cadences of the conversations feel more natural. IMO conversation in Mars Patel feels like it's trying too hard to be witty/of the times, is paced too fast, and ends up feeling forced and rushed.

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Julia, thanks for this rec! We have a long drive today and are going to check it out. We loved Mars Patel but I did have to pause it periodically and make sure my 9 year old was following the characters...especially in the last season, when some of the boys' voices had changed!

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